Robert Albert (Chair, Foundation Board)
CEO, B. Braun Medical

John Alexander
Senior Principal, Bulldog Ventures

Patrice R. Amin '74
Retired, Office Manager, Atul K. Amin, M.D

Robert Barrett
President, Mortgage America, Inc.

Catherine Bailey
Retired, Former COO/President, Rea.deeming Beauty

Anne Baum (Vice Chair, Foundation Board)
President, Lehigh Valley Reilly Children’s Hospital

Gina J. Bertucci
Principal/Owner, Tree Course Adventures

Hasanna Birdsong
CEO, Adept Group

Stephen Bowers
Lehigh Valley Regional President, ESSA Bank & Trust

Christopher J. Brown
Senior Vice President, Fulton Bank

Kevin Campbell, PE, LEED, AP
President & CEO, Barry Isett & Associates, Inc.

James Connell '99
President, Connell Funeral Home

Anthony (Tony) DaRe
CEO, BSI Corporate Benefits

Thomas A. Daub
Dealer, Principal, Brown-Daub Inc.

Tony Deutsch
Principal, Clifton Larson Allen LLP (CLA)

Vicki Doulé
Lehigh Valley Executive & Vice President, Distribution Channels, Capital Blue Cross

Susan Drabic
Retired, Former President & CEO, Morningstar Senior Living, Inc.

Arthur F. Dorn
Market President, Northern PA & Northern NJ, Trust Bank

John F. Eureyecko
President & CEO, Belhaven Capital Group, Inc.

M. Arif Fazil, P.E.
President, D'Huy Engineering, Inc

Mark Fiorini
President, Westgate Global Logistics

Steven Follett
Retired, Former CEO, Follett LLC

Dr. Andrew A. Forte
President, Stroudsmoor Country Inn

Darla Frack
Vice President, Patient Care Services, St. Luke’s University Network

Michael Gausling
Managing Partner and Founder, One Putt Ventures

Christopher R. Gray, Esquire
Norris McLaughlin Attorneys at Law

Kevin Greene
Chief Operations Officer, Faces International

Christine Hartner
Vice President, Patient Care, LVHN Muhlenberg & Hecktown Oaks

Silvia A. Hoffman, AIA
President, MKSD architects

Brandy Igdalsky
Vice President, Compliance, Pocono Organics

Kyle Kocher
Senior Vice President, Investment Market Manager, PNC Private Bank

Amy Kowalski
Vice President Human Resources, Buzzi Unicem USA

Jason Laubach
CFO, Northampton Community College & Foundation

Dina Manaway
Global Director-Business Processes, Victaulic Company

Christian F. Martin IV
Executive Chairman, C.F. Martin & Co. Inc.

Denise McCall '75
Retired, Former CFO/Owner, Britech, Inc.

Michael Molewski
Principal, Strategic Wealth, CAPTRUST Strategic Advisor Group

Anthony Onorata
President & CEO, Anthony Limousine

Bruce A. Palmer '77
Retired, CPA/Shareholder, Buckno, Lisicky & Company

Charles J. Peischl, Esquire
Equire, Retired, Peters, Moritz, Peischl, Zulick, Landis & Brienca, LLP

Richard J. Principato
President & CEO, Tower Products, Inc.

Dr. David A. Ruth
President, Northampton Community College

Patrick Ryan
Executive VP and General Manager, Wind Creek Bethlehem

Jane Schiff
Associate Broker, Howard Hanna, The Frederick Group

Richard Scott
Senior VP & Senior Wealth Advisor, Wilmington Trust

Stuart J. Shaw
Retired, Vice President, Dental & Vision Leader, Guardian Life Insurance Co.

Denise Smith
Executive Director Northampton Community College Foundation

Bruce Waldman

Andrea C. Weismiller '01
Vice President Sales, Joshi Hotel Group

Gavin Zuchlinski

Michael Albarell

Michael J. Caruso

Charles Hannig

David N. Shaffer '77

R. Charles "Chuck" Stehly